Support Tower Hamlets’ draft Transport Strategy
Our borough has recently published its draft transport strategy 2019-41. The good news is that it’s really positive and ambitious on cutting car use and boosting walking and cycling. But in order for it to get adopted without being watered down, it needs your support today. The survey closes on Sunday 15 September.
Basically, fill it in for your personal transport choices and info, and with...
Q10: please tick “yes” throughout to support all six of the draft strategy’s priorities.
Q11 and/or Q15, where there are spaces to put in extra text, consider putting any of the below in your own words, as well as your own ideas too!
- Focus on how the strategy will be delivered; all too often in Tower Hamlets, strategies are produced and schemes are planned and consulted upon, but then nothing happens!
- Ask for an end to public consultation as a referendum. The strategy should set the tone for schemes coming forward, with consultation used to tweak schemes, not decide if they happen or not.
- The Key Performance Indicators which are promised on the strategy’s final page should include ambitious measurable targets, including plenty of interim milestones (so that future mayors don’t feel they are off the hook because 2041 is a long way away).
- The economic benefits of walking and cycling do not get as much of a look-in in Priority 3 as they deserve.
- The strategy could make it clearer that walking and cycling are the most socially inclusive modes of transport.
- Canary Wharf represents a major barrier to cycling and walking: it’s difficult to access by bike or on foot, and it cuts off the Isle of Dogs from the rest of the borough. The strategy should explicitly commit to working with the Canary Wharf Estate to get them on board with improving the area for both cycling and walking.
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